API Reference


The Intercheck API is used to submit background checking requests and built using RESTful endpoints and standard HTTPS verbs. Here is a quick summary of the existing API:

  • Authentication to the API is performed via Token-based auth.
  • Requests to our API should be made as JSON, except when uploading documents.
  • JSON is returned on all our API responses, including errors, with a consistent structure for all messages. The Response codes are used to indicate the status of the message and any error codes.

The API endpoints in this reference are for the Production API. Change the hostname to showcase.intercheck.com.au when accessing the Sandbox (Showcase) API.


A security token must be provided in every request made to the API. All API requests must be made over HTTPS.

Get your (Production) Token

Login to the Business Portal > click Administration > Business Setting > API

For the Sandbox (showcase) environment, use the (test) token provided by our IT team instead.

Whitelisting IP addresses

For additional security, you can restrict the source IP addresses allowed to call the API.



Invited Police Check (v2.2):

Send an “invitation” for your applicant to complete a police check. The applicant will receive an email from InterCheck with a link to complete their check.


POST: https://secure.intercheck.com.au/api/policeCheck/v2.2/invite

Parameter Type Description Required?
token string Security Token Yes
department string Department name No (Yes if departments have been created)
userFullname string Business representative's full name
(ie. who issued the invite, not the applicant)
paidInvite number 1 for PrePay, 0 for PassPay Yes
checkType number 1 for Standard, 2 for Volunteer Yes
category number 1 for Employment
2 for Licence
3 for Other (Position of Trust/Probity)
4 for Commonwealth*
* Only available for enabled businesses
Yes (if checkType is 1)
position string Applicant’s position or licence type Yes
workPlace string Applicant’s workplace or organisation requesting check Yes
email string Applicant’s email Yes
surname string Applicant’s surname Yes
givenName string Applicant’s first name Yes
phone number Applicant’s phone number No
empId string Applicant’s employee ID No
purchaseOrder string Applicant purchase order No
reminderCount number Number of reminders applicant will receive to complete their application No

Example Request

  "token": "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx",
  "department": "Department Name",
  "userFullname": "User Name",
  "paidInvite": 1,
  "checkType": 1,
  "category": 1,
  "position": "Nurse",
  "workPlace": "ABC Hospital",
  "email": "name@example.com.au",
  "surname": "Surname",
  "givenName": "Given Name",
  "phone": "xxxxxxxxxx",
  "empId": "Applicant Reference",
  "purchaseOrder": "PO-12345",
  "reminderCount": 1


The API will respond with an HTTP 200 and the following payload.

Parameter Type Description
id number The Id of the business invite (NOTE: This is different to the police check Id)
error boolean True if the request failed
message string "Invitation Created successfully" if success, otherwise refer to error messages


Error Messages Description
Miss Parameters When The parameter is incorrect
The Applicant Email is not valid When The Format of Email is incorrect
The Token is not valid When The Secure Token is incorrect
IP Restriction When request sent from IP that is not defined
Given Name is required! When Given Name is Empty
Surname is required! When Surname is Empty
User FullName is required! When user’s full name is missing
The Applicant Phone is not valid! When Phone is not valid
CheckType is not valid! When Check Type is not 1 or 2
Category is not valid: Valid values are 1,2,3,4 category must be 1, 2, 3 or 4, and is required if CheckType is not 2
Commonwealth Check Category (4) is not enabled for your business The Commonwealth category is only available for enabled businesses. Contact Support
Paid Invite is not valid! When Paid Invite is not 1 or 0
The Department is not valid! When the name of the department is not defined in the system
Insufficient credit to do volunteer check When you have Insufficient credit for volunteer
Insufficient credit to do standard check When you have Insufficient credit for standard
The Purchase Order is not valid-Max Length Exceed! When the Purchase Order is more than 100 characters
The Employee ID is not valid-Max Length Exceed! When the Employee ID is more than 100 characters
The position is not valid When the position is not valid
The workplace is not valid When the workplace is not valid

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 Success
Content-Type: application/json
  "id" : xxxx,
  "error": false,
  "message": "Invitation Created successfully"

Direct-Portal Police Check (v2.2):

This request will populate a full police check record within the InterCheck system, bypassing any applicant interaction.

This request is intended for industry partners only, who have their own ACIC compliant software systems and processes. You must seek approval from InterCheck before you can use this API request.


POST: https://secure.intercheck.com.au/api/portalCheckDirect/v2.2/new

Parameter Type Description Required?
token string Security Token Yes
department string Department name No (Yes if departments have been created)
userFullName string Business representative's full name Yes
checkType number 1 for Standard
2 for Volunteer
category number 1 for Employment
2 for Licence
3 for Other (Position of Trust/Probity)
4 for Commonwealth*
* Only available for enabled businesses
Yes (if checkType is 1)
empId string Applicant's employee ID (custom reference number) No
purchaseOrder string Business purchase order (custom reference number) No
position string Applicant’s position or licence type Yes
workPlace string Applicant’s workplace or organisation requesting check Yes
state string Applicant’s state/territory of work/entitlement
location string Applicant’s location (town or city) of work/entitlement Yes
gender string Applicant’s gender
M for Male
F for Female
U for Unspecified / Undefined
names list Applicant's current, previous and alias names (see attributes below) Yes (with 1 current name, and 0 or more other name types)
birthDay number Applicant’s birth day Yes
birthMonth number Applicant’s birth month Yes
birthYear number Applicant’s birth year Yes
country string Applicant’s country of birth
(3 letter international country code)
pobSubTown string Applicant’s suburb/town/city of birth Yes
pobStateTerritory string Applicant’s state/territory of birth
Yes, No if country is not Australia (AUS)
addresses list Applicant’s past 5 years of addresses (see attributes below) Yes (with 1 current address, and 0 or more previous addresses)
ozDriverLicense string Applicant’s drivers licence number No
ozDlAgency string Drivers licence issuing state/territory
No (Yes if ozDriverLicense provided)
sightedDl boolean Applicant’s drivers license has been sighted
(eg. true, false)
No (defaults to false)
firearmsLicense string Applicant’s firearms licence number No
flAgency string Firearm licence issuing state/territory
No (Yes if firearmsLicense provided)
sightedFl boolean Applicant’s firearms license has been sighted
(eg. true, false)
No (defaults to false)
phoneHome string Applicant’s home phone number No
phoneWork string Applicant’s work phone number No
phoneMobile string Applicant’s mobile phone number No
informedConsent boolean Applicant’s informed consent has been obtained
(eg. true, false)
identityConfirmed number Applicant’s identity has been confirmed
0 for No
1 for Yes
2 for Yes: Special Provisions
specialProvisionReason string Provide "special provisions" explanation to ACIC why applicant could not meet identity requirements No, Yes if identitityConfirmed is 2

Name sub-record

Parameter Type Description Required?
surname string Applicant’s last name Yes
firstGivenName string Applicant’s first name Yes (unless singleNameOnly is true)
otherGivenNames string Applicant’s middle name(s) - separate with spaces No
singleNameOnly boolean True if applicant has a single name only No (defaults to false if omitted)
type string Type of name
PRIM (primary/current name)
PREVS (previous name)
MAIDN (maiden name)
ALIAS (alias)
Yes (exactly 1 record must be PRIM, with 0 or more of other types)

Address sub-record

Parameter Type Description Required?
streetNo string Address street number, including unit number, apartment number, etc. Yes
streetName string Address street name, including street type, e.g. Street, Road, etc. Yes
suburb string Address suburb / city / town Yes
stateTerritory string Address state/territory
Yes (when country is Australia/AUS)
postCode string Address postcode Yes (when country is Australia/AUS)
country string Address country
(3 letter international country code)
yearFrom number Address start date year (YYYY) Yes
monthFrom number Address start date month (MM) No
dayFrom number Address start date day (DD) No
yearTo number Address end date year (YYYY)
(use today's date for current address)
monthTo number Address end date month (MM) No
dayTo number Address end date day (DD) No
type string Type of address
RESID (residential/current)
PREV (previous)
Yes (exactly 1 record must be RESID, with 0 or more of PREV type)

Example Request

    "token": "xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx",
    "department": "yyyy-yyyy",
    "userFullName": "Business User Name",
    "checkType": 1,
    "category": 1,
    "empId": "EmployeeID-123",
    "purchaseOrder": "xyz-123",
    "position": "Nurse",
    "workPlace": "ABC Hospital",
    "state": "VIC",
    "location": "Melbourne",
    "gender": "F",
          "surname": "SURNAME",
          "firstGivenName": "First Name",
          "otherGivenNames": "Middle Name(s)",
          "type": "PRIM"
          "surname": "MAIDEN SURNAME",
          "firstGivenName": "First Name",
          "otherGivenNames": "Middle Name(s)",
          "type": "MAIDN"
          "surname": "SINGLE NAME",
          "type": "PREVS",
          "singleNameOnly": "true"
    "birthDay": 1,
    "birthMonth": 1,
    "birthYear": 2000,
    "country": "AUS",
    "pobSubTown": "Sydney",
    "pobStateTerritory": "NSW",
          "streetNo": "123",
          "streetName": "Street Name",
          "suburb": "Melbourne",
          "stateTerritory": "VIC",
          "postCode": "3000",
          "country": "AUS",
          "yearFrom": "2015",
          "monthFrom": "01",
          "dayFrom": "01",
          "yearTo": "2022",
          "monthTo": "01",
          "dayTo": "01",
          "type": "RESID"
          "streetNo": "123",
          "streetName": "Street Name",
          "suburb": "Melbourne",
          "stateTerritory": "VIC",
          "postCode": "3000",
          "country": "AUS",
          "yearFrom": "2010",
          "monthFrom": "01",
          "dayFrom": "01",
          "yearTo": "2015",
          "monthTo": "01",
          "dayTo": "01",
          "type": "PREV"
    "phoneHome": "xxxxx",
    "phoneWork": "xxxxx",
    "phoneMobile": "xxxxx",
    "ozDriverLicense": "ABC12345", 
    "ozDlAgency": "SA",
    "sightedDl": true,
    "firearmsLicense": "ABC12345",
    "flAgency": "WA",
    "sightedFl": true,
    "informedConsent": true,
    "identityConfirmed": 1


The API will respond with an HTTP 200 and the following payload.

Parameter Type Description
id number The Id of the police check if successfully created. This Id can be used to query the check status
error boolean True if the request failed
message string "New Check Created successfully" if success, otherwise refer to error messages


Error Messages Description
The Token is not valid Token is blank or invalid
Department is missing or invalid Departments have been setup but a valid department has not been provided
The user is required userFullName has not been provided
CheckType is not valid! checkType must be 1 or 2
Category is not valid: Valid values are 1,2,3,4 category must be 1, 2, 3 or 4, and is required if CheckType is not 2
Commonwealth Check Category (4) is not enabled for your business The Commonwealth category is only available for enabled businesses. Contact Support
Position is required position has not been provided
WorkPlace is required workPlace has not been provided
State is required state (for position/workplace of check) has not been provided
State is not valid state (for position/workplace of check) must be one of ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA, OTHER
Location is required location (suburb/city/town of check) has not been provided
The Applicant Gender is required gender has not been provided
Gender is not valid! gender is not M, F or U
Name Object is required! name object has not been provided
The Applicant surname is required surname has not been provided
The Applicant firstGivenName is required unless singleNameOnly is true If firstGivenName not provided, singleNameOnly must be true
The Applicant Name Type is required Name type has not been provided
Primary name has not been provided (name type) Exactly 1 record must be of type PRIM
Only one maiden name can be provided (name type) Either 0 or 1 records may be of type MAIDN - other names can be provided as aliases
The Applicant birthDay is required birthDay has not been provided
The Applicant birthMonth is required birthMonth has not been provided
The Applicant birthYear is required birthYear has not been provided
The Applicant date of birth is invalid The combination of birthDay/birthMonth/birthYear is not a valid date (eg. 31st Feb, before 1900 or in the future)
The Applicant Country is required country has not been provided
The Applicant Country is invalid country not valid (not valid 3-letter code)
pobSubTown required if country is Australia pobSubTown required if country is Australia
pobStateTerritory required if country is Australia pobStateTerritory required if country is Australia
Addresses Object is required! A list of addresses has not been provided
The address Street No is required streetNo has not been provided
The address Street Name is required streetName has not been provided
The Address Country is required country has not been provided
The Address Country is invalid country must be a valid 3 letter country code
The address Suburb is required The address suburb (city/town) has not been provided
The address PostCode is required if country is Australia postCode has not been provided when country is Australia/AUS
The address StateTerritory is required if country is Australia stateTerritory has not been provided when country is Australia/AUS
The address StateTerritory is invalid stateTerritory must be one of ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
The address Year From is required yearFrom has not been provided
The address Year To is required yearTo has not been provided
The address start date is invalid If dayFrom is provided, then dayFrom/monthFrom/yearFrom must be a valid combination.
Else if monthFrom is provided, then monthFrom/yearFrom must be a valid combination.
Else yearFrom must be a valid year.
All dates must be after 1900, and not in the future.
The address end date is invalid If dayTo is provided, then dayTo/monthTo/yearTo must be a valid combination.
Else if monthTo is provided, then monthTo/yearTo must be a valid combination.
Else yearTo must be a valid year.
All dates must be after 1900, and not in the future.
The address Type is not Valid type must be RESID or PREV
Exactly 1 primary address required (address type) Exactly 1 address record must be of type RESID
ozDriverLicense required if ozDlAgency provided You must provide both ozDriverLicense and ozDlAgency, or neither
ozDlAgency required if ozDriverLicense provided You must provide both ozDriverLicense and ozDlAgency, or neither
ozDlAgency is not valid Drivers Licence agency must be a valid state/territory of Australia
firearmsLicense required if flAgency provided You must provide both firearmsLicense and flAgency, or neither
flAgency required if firearmsLicense provided You must provide both firearmsLicense and flAgency, or neither
flAgency is not valid Firearms Licence agency must be a valid state/territory of Australia
homePhone is not valid homePhone is not valid
workPhone is not valid workPhone is not valid
mobilePhone is not valid mobilePhone is not valid
Authorise Personnel Obtained Informed Consent informedConsent must be true
Authorise Personnel Confirmed Identity identityConfirmed must be 1 or 2
SpecialProvisionReason required if identityConfirmed is 2 If identity confirmed with special provisions, then reason must be given
IP Restriction When the request is sent from an IP address that is not permitted. Check business portal settings
Insufficient credit to do standard check
Insufficient credit to do volunteer check
The Purchase Order is not valid-Max Length Exceed! When the Purchase Order is more than 100 characters
The Employee ID is not valid-Max Length Exceed! When the Employee ID is more than 100 characters

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 Success
Content-Type: application/json
  "id" : xxxx,
  "error": false,
  "message": "New Check Created successfully"


Direct-Portal RTW Check (v2.2):

This request will directly submit a right-to-work within the InterCheck system, bypassing any applicant interaction.

This request is intended for industry partners only, who have their own VEVO compliant software systems and processes. You must seek approval from InterCheck before you can use this API request.


POST: https://secure.intercheck.com.au/api/rtwDirect/v2.2

Parameter Type Description Required?
token string Security Token Yes
visachecktype string Always set to work Yes
document_type string passport for Passport, Titre de Voyage, DFTTA or PLO56 Evidence Card
immicard for Immigration Card
visaholder sub-record See VisaHolder subrecord Yes

VisaHolder sub-record

Parameter Type Description Required?
given_names string Applicant's given name(s) No
family_name string Applicant's surname Yes
date_of_birth string (yyyy-mm-dd) Applicant’s date of birth Yes
passport_id string Applicant’s document number (for all document types eg. passport or immicard) Yes
country string Country code that issued document. See list here
(3 letter international country code + variations)
Yes (except for immicard)

Example Request

    "token": "xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx",
    "visachecktype": "work",
    "document_type": "passport",
    "visaholder": {
        "given_names": "James",
        "family_name": "CITIZEN",
        "date_of_birth": "1999-01-01",
        "passport_id": "zzzzz-zzzz",
        "country": "CAN"


The API will respond with an HTTP 200 and the following payload.

Parameter Type Description
output Output sub-record See Output sub-record below
error string Error message if communication failed (and HTTP status of 403 or 500), omitted if success

Output Sub-record

Parameter Type Description
id string The Vevo/Immi identifier for this check (which is needed to fetch PDF)
Time of Check string Date/Time of check in long string format
Person Checked Person sub-record See person sub-record below
status string Provider error message if result is Error
result string Returns OK if successful, Error if provider could not find visa
Visa Details VisaDetails sub-record See visa details sub-record below
Work Entitlement string Summary of work entitlement
Visa Conditions string Code of visa conditions applicable for this applicant
conditions html Detailed HTML to explain visa conditions
haspdf number 1 if PDF available for download
0 if PDF not available

Output > Person Sub-record

Parameter Type Description
Name string The full name on the matched document
DOB string Date of birth (dd mmmm yyyy) on the matched document
Passport ID string ID on the matched document
Nationality string Nationality on the matched document
VEVO_givennames string The given names on the matched document
VEVO_familyname string The surname on the matched document

Output > Visa Details Sub-record

Parameter Type Description
Visa Applicant string Classifier for applicant matched
Visa Class string Class code for visa matched
Visa Type string Type code for visa matched
Grant Date string Date (dd mmmm yyyy) that visa was issued
Expiry Date string Date (dd mmmm yyyy) that visa expires
Visa Type Details string Further visa details

Errors (in error field)

These errors are returned with status code of 403, 400 or 500

Error Messages Description
Missing Parameters: <field> The given field is blank or missing
The Token is not valid Ensure correct security token has been provided
Document type must be 'immicard' or 'passport' Ensure a valid document type has been provided
Visachecktype type must be 'work' Ensure a valid visachecktype provided
Australian passports are not supported by this service Choose a different document to search
RTW Direct API is disabled for this Business. Contact Support for access Contact Support.
<Other message> Unexpected Error (status code 500).
Contact support

Provider Errors (in status field)

Status Messages Description
The department has not been able to confirm visa information ... Passport ID + Date of Birth is not a valid combination
VEVO has not identified a visa for this person ... Passport ID + Date of Birth is valid, but no visa found
ImmiCard number is invalid. ImmiCard number + Date of Birth is not a valid combination
A system error has occurred in matching the travel document... A transient error in IMMI service. Try again later.
VEVO has found more than one electronic record against details entered ... Contact support / IMMI service for assistance
The visa holder has requested their details not to be provided to organisations ... Contact support / IMMI service for assistance

Example Responses

Successful response with conditions

HTTP/1.1 200 Success
Content-Type: application/json
    "output": {
        "id": "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx",
        "Time of Check": "Wednesday February 08, 2023 15:00:00 (AEDT) Canberra, Australia (GMT +1100)",
        "Person Checked": {
            "Name": "James Citizen",
            "DOB": "01 January 1999",
            "Passport ID": "zzzzz-zzzz",
            "Nationality": "CANADA",
            "VEVO_givennames": "James",
            "VEVO_familyname": "Citizen"
        "status": "",
        "result": "OK",
        "Visa Details": {
            "Visa Applicant": "Secondary",
            "Visa Class": "TU",
            "Visa Type": "500",
            "Grant Date": "01 January 2020",
            "Expiry Date": "30 June 2023",
            "Visa Type Details": ""
        "Work Entitlement": "The visa holder can work in Australia under the following conditions until the visa cease date. If you wish to employ the visa holder their work rights must be checked after the visa cease date. ",
        "Visa Conditions": "8104",
        "conditions": "<p>8104 - Work restriction: 40 hours a fortnight:</p><p>Condition 8104 limits visa holders, other than family members of students studying a masters or a doctorate degree, to working no more than 40 hours a fortnight. A fortnight means the period of 14 days starting on a Monday.</p><p>Due to current workforce shortages, the Government has temporarily removed the limit on working hours for student and secondary training visa holders. This temporary measure applies to all sectors of the economy. This will end on 30 June 2023.</p><p>Until 30 June 2023, if you are a member of the family unit of a primary student visa holder, you may find and start work prior to the student's course commencement.</p><p>After the 30 June 2023, the number of hours a student visa and secondary training visa holder will be allowed to work will again be capped. Further information will be provided closer the date.</p><p>For more information see <a href=\"https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/student-500/temporary-relaxation-of-working-hours-for-student-visa-holders\" target=\"_blank\">Temporary relaxation of working hours for student visa holders</a>.<br/></p>",
        "haspdf": 1

Successful response with no work rights

HTTP/1.1 200 Success
Content-Type: application/json
    "output": {
        "id": "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx",
        "Time of Check": "Wednesday February 08, 2023 15:00:00 (AEDT) Canberra, Australia (GMT +1100)",
        "Person Checked": {
            "Name": "James Citizen",
            "DOB": "01 January 1999",
            "Passport ID": "zzzzz-zzzz",
            "Nationality": "CANADA",
            "VEVO_givennames": "James",
            "VEVO_familyname": "Citizen"
        "status": "",
        "result": "OK",
        "Visa Details": {
            "Visa Applicant": "Primary",
            "Visa Class": "TV",
            "Visa Type": "651",
            "Grant Date": "01 January 2020",
            "Expiry Date": "30 June 2023",
            "Visa Type Details": ""
        "Work Entitlement": "No work rights: Approved business activities. ",
        "Visa Conditions": "8115",
        "conditions": "

8115 - Limited activities:

The holder must not work in Australia other than by engaging in a business visitor activity.

", "haspdf": 1 } }

Successful response with unknown passport/DOB combination

HTTP/1.1 200 Success
Content-Type: application/json
    "output": {
        "id": "zzzz-zzzz-zzzzz",
        "Time of Check": "Wed Feb 15 12:50:36 AEDT 2023",
        "Person Checked": {
            "Name": "Name Name",
            "DOB": "04 August 1995",
            "Passport ID": "xxxxx-xxxxx",
            "VEVO_givennames": "",
            "VEVO_familyname": ""
        "status": "The Department has not been able to confirm visa information. Please check that the details you entered are correct and ensure you have not entered a capital 'O' instead of a zero, or a capital 'I' instead of the number one. Otherwise, please complete the VEVO enquiry form.",
        "result": "Error",
        "Visa Conditions": "",
        "haspdf": 0

Successful response with no visa

HTTP/1.1 200 Success
Content-Type: application/json
    "output": {
        "id": "zzzz-zzzz-zzzzz",
        "Time of Check": "Wed Feb 15 12:50:36 AEDT 2023",
        "Person Checked": {
            "Name": "Name Name",
            "DOB": "04 August 1995",
            "Passport ID": "xxxxx-xxxxx",
            "VEVO_givennames": "",
            "VEVO_familyname": ""
        "status": "VEVO has not identified a visa for this person. They must hold a valid visa for the duration of their stay and comply with conditions attached to their visa.  If they do not have the right to remain in Australia, they are expected to depart.  If they want to extend their stay in Australia, they will need to apply for a Bridging visa E (BVE).  In most cases, they can resolve their visa matter quickly and easily through the My visa is about to expire or has expired web page.",
        "result": "Error",
        "Visa Conditions": "",
        "haspdf": 0

Unsuccessful response

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": "The Token is not valid: zzzz-zzz"

Invalid document

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": "Australian passports are not supported by this service"

Direct-Portal RTW Get Certificate (v2.2):

This request will retrieve a RTW certificate (if available) directly from VEVO system (without any InterCheck watermarks). This request should be called after the Direct-Portal RTW Check API call, as it depends on the id and haspdf fields.

This request is intended for industry partners only, who have their own VEVO compliant software systems and processes. You must seek approval from InterCheck before you can use this API request.


GET: https://secure.intercheck.com.au/api/rtwDirectPdf/v2.2

Parameter Type Description Required?
token string Security Token Yes
id string The VEVO/IMMI Id extracted from rtwDirect API call Yes
download boolean Optionally set HTTP response headers for browser
true for browser to download PDF
false for browser to view PDF (default)

Example Request



The API will respond with an HTTP 200 and a binary stream with ContentType "application/pdf".
If an error occurs, the API will response with a different HTTP code, and text error with ContentType "plain/text".


Error Messages Description
Missing Parameters Token is blank or missing
The Token is not valid Ensure correct security token has been provided
Certificates via API are disabled for this Business Unit. Contact Support for access Permission denied. Contact support
RTW Certificate not found Check id and haspdf values from directRTW call

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 Success
Content-Type: application/pdf
<binary stream>

Check Status API

Get Police Check Status

Retrieve the status of a given police check, including access to the certificate if the check has a result.

HTTP Request

GET: https://secure.intercheck.com.au/api/policeCheck/v2.2/status

Parameter Type Description Required?
token string Security Token Yes
refNo number The ID of the police check, also known as the applicant reference number Yes

Example Request



The API will respond with an HTTP 200 and the following payload.

Parameter Type Description
refNo number The ID of the police check (same as refNo requested)
empId string Applicant's employee ID (custom reference number)
(only if this field was provided during check creation)
error boolean True if the request failed
message string "Success" if success, otherwise refer to error messages
name string The applicant's name
email string The applicant's email address (if supplied)
checkType string The type of check
category string The category of check (only if check type is Standard)
(for v2 checks after October 2022)
purpose string The purpose of check
(for v1 checks prior to October 2022)
position string Applicant’s position or licence type
(for v2 checks after October 2022)
workPlace string Applicant’s workplace or organisation requesting check
(for v2 checks after October 2022)
location string Applicant’s city/suburb of work/entitlement
(for v2 checks after October 2022)
state string Applicant’s state/territory of work/entitlement
(for v2 checks after October 2022)
status string Status of the Police Check
PENDING if applicant is still completing check
ISSUE if applicant must correct and re-submit check
AWAITING_APPROVAL if check submitted, but awaiting business approval
USER_SUBMITTED if check being processed by InterCheck
SUBMITTED_ACIC if check being processed by ACIC
ACIC_FLAGGED if check has been flagged by ACIC
RESULT if result provided (see result field)
DELETED if check is cancelled
DESTROYED if check is expired (eg. over 12 months since result)
result string Result of the check (when status is RESULT)
PASSED if result without disclosable court outcomes
HISTORY if result with disclosable court outcomes
dateOfIssue string The date the result was issued (dd/mm/yyyy)
certificate URL A signed URL to access the PDF certificate (if result is available, and this field has been enabled for your business)


Error Messages Description
Miss Parameters A required parameter is missing/incorrect
The Applicant not found The refNo is invalid
The Token is not valid The Secure Token is incorrect. Refer to business portal settings
IP Restriction The request was sent from an IP address that is not permitted. Refer to business portal settings

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 Success
Content-Type: application/json
   "refNo": 12345,
   "empId": "xxxx-xxxx",
   "name": "APPLICANT NAME",
   "email": "APPLICANT EMAIL",
   "checkType": "STANDARD",
   "category": "EMPLOYMENT",
   "position": "APPLICANT JOBTITLE"",
   "workPlace": "APPLICANT PLACE OF WORK",
   "state": "VIC",
   "status": "RESULT",
   "result": "HISTORY",
   "dateOfIssue": "31/12/2020",
   "certificate": "https://<SIGNED_URL>",
   "error": false,
   "message": "Success"


The Intercheck API is rate limited to prevent abuse. Every API request is recorded and if more requests are made during a time period than allowed, requests will be rate limited until the end of the time period. The limits are high enough that typical usage should rarely, if ever, be rate limited.

JSON and rate limiting

Most Intercheck customers use JSONP for autocomplete and search results. Because JSONP requests originate from your users, it is unlikely they will be affected by rate limiting, unless one of the users is abusing the service.

Rate limiting example

Requests that have been rate limited will respond with HTTP 429 Too Many Requests. HTTP 429 is a new (but very useful) status code proposed by RFC 6585. If the request was for a JSON resource, the response body will be JSON as well.

EXAMPLE - Rate limited JSON resource

curl -i -XGET 'http://search-api.intercheck.com/api/v1/public/engines/suggest.json?callback=foo&q=search&engine_key=your_engine_key'


HTTP/1.1 429
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 32
  "error": "Rate limit exceeded."

Rate limit mitigation

If your application is being negatively affected by rate limiting, please contact help@intercheck.com.au with details and we will help address the issue.

Terms of Use

1. Acceptance of Terms

This Intercheck API / WebHooks Terms of Service document (the “API / WebHooks TOS”) is an agreement you must accept in order to use the Intercheck API / WebHooks (as described below). This document describes both your rights and your obligations as part of using the Intercheck API / WebHooks. It is important that you read it carefully because you will be legally bound by these terms. Intercheck Technologies, Inc. (“Intercheck” “we” “us”) only provides the Intercheck API / WebHooks to you subject to this API TOS. By accepting this API / WebHooks TOS or by accessing or using the Intercheck API / WebHooks, you agree to be bound by this API / Webhooks TOS (including the Privacy Policy, Brand Guidelines, and general Terms of Service, which are incorporated here by reference).

If you are entering into this API / WebHooks TOS on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind such entity to this API / WebHooks TOS. In that case, the terms “you” or “your” shall also refer to such entity. If you do not have such authority, or if you do not agree with this API / WebHooks TOS, you may not use the Intercheck API. You acknowledge that this API / WebHooks TOS is a contract between you and Intercheck, even though it is electronic and is not physically signed by you and Intercheck, and it governs your use of the Intercheck API / WebHooks.

2. API / WebHooks Key Definitions

2.1 Application – Any software application, website, or product you create or service you offer using the Intercheck API (defined below).

2.2 API / WebHooks Documentation – The documentation, data, and information that Intercheck provides regarding the use of the Intercheck API / WebHooks through the Developer Site.

2.3 Data – means any data and content uploaded, posted, transmitted or otherwise made available by users via the Services, including messages, files, comments, profile information and anything else entered or uploaded into the Service by a user of the Service.

2.4 Developer Site – Intercheck’s Developer site found at https://apidocs.Intercheck.com.au/

2.5 Intercheck API or “our API” – The publicly available Intercheck Application Programming Interface (“API”) as well as the related API Documentation.

2.6 Intercheck WebHooks or “WebHooks” – The publicly available Intercheck WebHook service.

2.7 Intercheck Brand – The Intercheck brand and brand assets, including names, logos, trade names, and trademarks.

2.8 Intercheck Service(s) – Intercheck’s real-time communication, messaging, archiving and search services and related systems and technologies, as well as the website http://Intercheck.com.au (the “Site”), and all software, applications, data, reports, text, images, and other content made available by or on behalf of Intercheck through any of the foregoing. The “Service” does not include Data or any software application or service that is provided by you or a third party (including Applications), whether or not Intercheck designates them as “official integrations”.

3. API / WebHooks License

As long as you follow this API / WebHooks TOS, Intercheck grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable license to use the APIs to develop, test, and support any software application, website, or product, and to integrate the Intercheck APIs with your Application. Your license is subject to the limitations set forth in Section 4.2 through 4.11 and Section 9 below, and you agree that violation of Section 4 will automatically terminate your license to use the Intercheck APIs / WebHooks.

4. Use of APIs, WebHooks and Intercheck Data

The following identifies limitations on use related to the Intercheck API / WebHooks:

4.1 Reliance on API / WebHooks Intercheck is still evolving, and we need the flexibility to occasionally make changes to our APIs / WebHooks, including backward incompatible ones. We will try to give notice of these changes, but you should follow the @Intercheckapi Twitter account for updates. Also, parts of our API / WebHooks are undocumented, including certain methods, events, and properties. Given that these undocumented aspects of our API / WebHooks may change at any time, you should not rely on these behaviors.

4.2 Applicable laws or agreements. You may not use the Intercheck API / WebHooks in violation of any law or regulation, or rights of any person, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, rights of privacy, or rights of personality, or in any manner inconsistent with this API / WebHooks TOS or Intercheck’s other agreements to which you are subject.

4.3 The scope of acceptable use. You may not use the Intercheck API / WebHooks or any other technology in a manner that accesses or uses any information beyond what Intercheck allows under this API / WebHooks TOS or the Documentation; that changes the Intercheck Service; that breaks or circumvents any of Intercheck’s technical, administrative, process or security measures; that disrupts or degrades the performance of the Intercheck Service or the Intercheck API / WebHooks; or that tests the vulnerability of Intercheck’s systems or networks.

4.4 Malware. You may not transmit any viruses or other computer programs that may damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept, or expropriate any system or data.

4.5 Reverse engineering. You may not attempt to reverse engineer or otherwise derive source code, trade secrets, or know-how in the Intercheck API / WebHooks or portion thereof;

4.6 Functionality. You may not use the Intercheck API / WebHooks to replicate or compete with core products or services offered by Intercheck. You acknowledge and agree that Intercheck has or may in the future offer products or services that are similar to your Application, and nothing will prevent Intercheck from doing so;

4.7 Commercial Use. You may charge for your Application. However, you may not sell, rent, lease, sublicense, redistribute, or syndicate access to the Intercheck API / WebHooks

4.8 Advertising. You may place advertisements on and around your Application. However, you may not:

  1. Place any advertisements on Intercheck Service channels, and your advertisements may not resemble or be reasonably likely to confuse users as being an Intercheck Service message;
  2. Use Data or any content from Intercheck in any advertisements or for purposes of targeting advertisements, in your Application or elsewhere; or
  3. Use contact information obtained from Intercheck (including email addresses) to contact Intercheck users outside of Intercheck without their express permission.

4.9 Rate Limits. You will not attempt to exceed or circumvent limitations on access, calls and use of Intercheck API / WebHooks, or otherwise use the Intercheck API / WebHooks in a manner that exceeds reasonable request volume, constitutes excessive or abusive usage, or otherwise fails to comply or is inconsistent with any part of this API / WebHooks TOS or the Documentation. See https://apidocs.Intercheck.com.au/apireference.html#limits.

4.10 Use for promotion of gambling or adult content. You may not use the Intercheck APIs / WebHooks in any Application that includes adult content, promotes gambling, involves the sale of tobacco or alcohol to persons under 21 years of age, or otherwise violates any applicable law or regulation.

4.11 Distribution of your application. You may not distribute or allow access to the Intercheck APIs / WebHooks to anyone other than, if applicable, the company on whose behalf you entered into this API TOS. Anyone who wants to access our APIs / WebHooks must agree to be bound by this API / WebHooks TOS.

5. Use of Intercheck Brand or Marks

You must not use the Intercheck Brand in a way that suggests your service is endorsed by, sponsored by, or associated with Intercheck, and you must abide by Intercheck’s Brand Guidelines available at https://Intercheck.com/brand-guidelines.

6. Storage of Data

6.1 Caching Data. Where Data is cached, you should refresh the cache at least every 24 hours.

6.2 Secure Storage Measures. All Data should be stored and served using strong encryption

6.3 Delete at User Request. You must delete all Data you have collected from an Intercheck user upon request by that user, and when the Intercheck user deauthorizes your Application or closes his or her account with you. Similarly, when a team stops using your Application, you should delete all Data obtained from that team. The restrictions of this Section do not apply to Data that Intercheck users also directly provide to you and that is separately entered or uploaded to you by the user of your Application.

6.4 Deletion at Termination. If we terminate your use of the Intercheck APIs / WebHooks for any reason, then you must permanently delete all Data and any other information that you stored pursuant to your use of the Intercheck APIs / WebHooks, except when doing so would cause you to violate any law or obligation imposed by a governmental authority. This provision does not require an Intercheck user to delete Data stored in Intercheck if the Intercheck user is prohibited from accessing the Intercheck API / WebHooks.

6.5 No Other Storing. You may not copy or store any Data or capture or store any information expressed by the Data (such as hashed or transferred data), except to the extent permitted by this API / WebHooks TOS.

7. Your User Agreement and Privacy Policy

If you offer your Application for use by others outside your organization, you must maintain a user agreement and privacy policy for your Application, which is prominently identified or located where users download or access your Application. Your privacy policy must meet applicable legal standards and accurately describe the collection, use, storage and sharing of data. You must promptly notify us of any breaches of your user agreement or privacy policy that impact or may impact Intercheck users. Your privacy policy must be at least as stringent and user-friendly as ours.

8. Security Measure

8.1 Protections. The network, operating system and software of your web servers, databases, and computer systems (collectively, “Your Systems”) must be properly configured to securely operate your Application and store Data. Your Application must use reasonable security measures to protect your users’ information. You must not architect or select Your Systems in a manner to avoid the foregoing obligation.

8.2 Reporting. You must promptly report any security deficiencies in, or intrusions to, your Systems to Intercheck in writing via email to security@Intercheck.com or subsequent contact information posted on the Developer Site. This includes any unauthorized access, use, disclosure or destruction of Data. You will work with Intercheck to immediately correct any security deficiency, and will immediately disconnect any intrusions or intruder. In the event of any security deficiency or intrusion involving the Application, Intercheck APIs / WebHooks or Data, you will make no public statements regarding such deficiencies or intrusions (e.g., press, blogs, social media, bulletin boards, etc.) without prior written and express permission from Intercheck in each instance.

9. Government Access

You will not knowingly:

9.1 Allow or assist any government entities, law enforcement, or other organizations to conduct surveillance or obtain data using your access to the Intercheck API / WebHooks in order to avoid serving legal process directly on Intercheck. Any such use by you for law enforcement purposes is a breach of this API / WebHooks TOS.

9.2 Display, distribute or otherwise make available Data or any Application to any person or entity that you reasonably believe will use Data to violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (located at http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/), including without limitation Articles 11, 17, or 18. Any law enforcement personnel seeking information about Intercheck users will be referred to Intercheck’s User Data Request Policy, located at https://Intercheck.com/user-data-request-policy. You will not conduct and your Application will not provide analyses or research that isolates a small group of individuals or any single individual for any unlawful or discriminatory purposes. Exemptions to these restrictions may be requested for exigent circumstances and are subject to prior written approval from Intercheck.

10. Ownership

As between you and us, we own all rights, title, and interest, including all intellectual property rights, in and to, the (1) Intercheck APIs / WebHooks, Documentation, and all elements and components thereof; (2) Data; (3) Intercheck Services; and (4) Brand Features (collectively, the “Intercheck Materials”). The only exception to this is Data that you as an Intercheck user have licensed to Intercheck under the https://Intercheck.com/terms-of-service, which governs that Data. Except for the express licenses granted in this API / WebHooks TOS, Intercheck does not grant you any right, title, or interest in the Intercheck Materials. You agree to take such actions as Intercheck may reasonably request to perfect Intercheck’s rights to the Intercheck Materials

11. Term and Termination

11.1 Duration of Terms. This API / WebHooks TOS will go into effect on the date upon which you agree to them, by accessing or using the Intercheck API / WebHooks, and will continue until terminated as set forth herein

11.2 Your Right to Terminate. You may terminate this API TOS by discontinuing use of our APIs / WebHooks.

11.3 Suspension; Termination. We may change, suspend or discontinue the Intercheck API / WebHooks and suspend or terminate your use of the Intercheck API / WebHooks, the Intercheck Service, and/or Intercheck Brand at any time and for any reason, without notice. Without limiting the foregoing, we may limit your Application's access to the Intercheck API / WebHooks if it, in our sole discretion, may negatively affect our Service or our ability to provide our Service.

11.4 Effect of Termination. Upon termination of this API / WebHooks TOS:

  1. All rights and licenses granted to you will terminate immediately;
  2. You will promptly destroy Documentation and any other Intercheck information in your possession or control that was received under this API / WebHooks TOS;
  3. Unless we agree otherwise in writing or as stated in this API / WebHooks TOS, you must permanently delete all Data and other information that you stored pursuant to your use of the Intercheck APIs / WebHooks. Intercheck may request that you certify in writing your compliance with this section; and
  4. Intercheck will make commercially reasonable efforts to remove all references and links to your Application from its Services (Intercheck has no other obligation to delete copies of, references to, or links to your Application).

11.5 The following sections of this API / WebHooks TOS shall survive any termination, Sections 4 (“Use of the APIs / WebHooks and Intercheck Data”), 5 (“Use of Intercheck Brand or Marks”), 6.4 (“Delete at User Request”), 6.5 (“Deletion at Termination”), 7 (“Your User Agreement and Privacy Policy”), 8 (“Security Measures”), 10 (“Ownership”), 11 (“Term and Termination”), 12 (“Other Important Terms”), 13 (“Disclaimer of Warranties; Limitation of Liability; Indemnity”), 14 (“Dispute Resolution”) and 15 (“General Legal Terms”).

12. Other Important Terms

12.1 Legal Representations. You represent and warrant to Intercheck that, excluding Intercheck Materials, you have the right to use, reproduce, transmit, copy, publicly display, publicly perform, and distribute your Application, and that use of your Application by Intercheck and its users will not violate the rights of any third party (e.g., copyright, patent, trademark, privacy, publicity or other proprietary rights of any person or entity), or any applicable regulation or law, including the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the laws of any country in which your Application is made available and any applicable export laws

12.2 Modification of the API / WebHooks TOS. We may change, add to or delete this API / WebHooks TOS or any portion thereof from time to time in our sole discretion. If we make a material change to this API / WebHooks TOs, we will provide you with reasonable notice prior to the changes either by emailing the email address associated with your account or by posting a notice on the Developer Site. You acknowledge that these updates and modifications may adversely impact how you access, use, and communicate with the Intercheck API / WebHooks. If any change is unacceptable to you, then your only recourse is to cease all use of the Intercheck API / WebHooks. Your continued access or use of the Intercheck API / WebHooks will mean that you agree to the updates and modifications.

12.3 Other Applicable Agreements. You and your Application must also comply with the following, which are hereby incorporated by reference:

  1. Intercheck Terms of Service
  2. Intercheck Privacy Policy
  3. Intercheck Brand Guidelines

In the event of any conflict between the content in this document and the above documents, this document controls your use of the Intercheck APIs.

13. Disclaimer of Warranties; Limitation of Liability; Indemnity



13.3 Indemnity. You agree to defend, hold harmless and indemnify Intercheck, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, employees, and suppliers, from and against any third party claim arising from or in any way related to your or your users’ use of the Application, Intercheck API / WebHooks or Data, use of Intercheck Brand, or violation of this API / WebHooks TOS, including any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, damages (actual and consequential), suits, judgments, litigation costs and attorneys’ fees, of every kind and nature. In such a case, we will provide you with written notice of such claim, suit, or action.

14. Dispute Resolution

This API / WebHooks TOS and any claim, cause of action or dispute (“Claim”) arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia, regardless of your country of origin or where you access the Intercheck Service, and notwithstanding any conflicts of law principles and the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods. You and Intercheck agree that all Claims arising out of or related to this Agreement must be resolved exclusively in the courts located in the county of Sydney, New South Wales. You and Intercheck agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Sydney, New South Wales and agree to waive any and all objections to the exercise of jurisdiction over the parties by such courts and to the venue in such courts for the purpose of litigating all such Claims. Notwithstanding the above, you agree that Intercheck shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.

15. General Legal Terms

15.1 Severability. If any provision of this API / WebHooks TOS is found to be illegal, void, or unenforceable, the unenforceable provision will be modified so as to render it enforceable to the maximum extent possible in order to effect the intention of the provision; if a term cannot be so modified, it will be severed and the remaining provisions of this API / WebHooks TOS will not be affected in any way.

15.2 Language. Where Intercheck has provided you with a translation of the English language version of this API / WebHooks TOS or any document referenced in this API / WebHooks TOS, you agree that the translation is provided for your convenience only and that the English language versions of any such document, will control.

15.3 Notice and Service of Process. We may notify you via postings on the Developer Site or via the email address associated with your Application or Intercheck Service account. Intercheck accepts service of process by mail or courier at the physical address set forth in Section 15.9 below. Any notices that you provide without compliance with this section shall have no legal effect.

15.4 Entire Agreement. This API / WebHooks TOS and any documents incorporated into this API / WebHooks TOS by reference, constitute the entire agreement between you and Intercheck regarding the Intercheck APIs / WebHooks and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, or whether established by custom, practice, policy or precedent, with respect to the subject matter of this API / WebHooks TOS.

15.5 No Informal Waivers, Agreements, or Representations. Our failure to act with respect to a breach of this API / WebHooks TOs by you or others does not waive our right to act with respect to that breach or subsequent similar or other breaches. No representations, statements, consents, waivers or other acts or omissions by any Intercheck affiliate shall be deemed legally binding on any Intercheck affiliate, unless documented in a physical writing hand signed by a duly appointed officer of Intercheck.

15.6 Injunctive Relief. In no event shall you seek or be entitled to rescission, injunctive or other equitable relief, or to enjoin or restrain the operation of the Developer Site or Intercheck Service or any Intercheck APIs / WebHooks, or other material used or displayed through the Intercheck Developer Site or Intercheck Service

15.7 Assignment and Delegation. You may not assign or delegate any rights or obligations under this API / WebHooks TOS, including in connection with a change of control. Any purported assignment and delegation shall be ineffective. We may freely assign or delegate all rights and obligations under this API / WebHooks TOs, fully or partially without notice to you. We may also substitute, by way of unilateral novation, effective upon notice to you, Intercheck Technologies, Inc. for any third party that assumes our rights and obligations under this API / WebHooks TOs.

15.8 Potential Other Rights and Obligations. You may have rights or obligations under local law other than those enumerated here if you are located outside Australia.

15.9 How to Contact Us. If you have questions or comments about this API / WebHooks TOS or wish to make use of our Intercheck API / WebHooks in any way not permitted by this API / WebHooks TOS, please contact us via email at integrations@Intercheck.com or by physical mail at:

© 2022 InterCheck Australia. All rights reserved. InterCheck™ is a registered Trademark.